earthquake houseEarthquakes


If you live in 95120, you need to be prepared for an earthquake ( NOW ! )


Earthquake Serverity - Bay Area

earthquake serverity bay area51% chance of a magnitue 7.0 earthquake within the next 30 years.

Earthquake Serverity - 95120

earthquake sereverity 9512098% chance of a magnitude 6.0 earthquake within the next 30 years.


Some homes in 95120 are also susceptable to damage due to liquefaction

liquefaction susceptibility map

 Resources to Get Prepared

Handbook for the San Francisco Bay Region
Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country

America's PreparedAthon!
How to Prepare for an Earthquake

Federal Emergency Management Agency - FMEA
Earthquake Safety Checklist

American Red Cross
Earthquake Checklist

American Red Cross

Are You Ready for an Earthquake

27 Things to Help You Survive an Earthquake

Earthquake Safety Tips for Elderly People


California Seismic Safety Commission
Home Owner's Guide to Earthquake Safety

Earthquake County Alliance
Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety